Knowing The Difference Between Appraised Value, Market Value, & Assessed Value
When it comes to real estate, understanding the various types of property values is essential for both buyers and sellers. Appraised value, market value, and assessed value are terms commonly used in the real estate industry, each serving a distinct purpose in determining the worth of a property.
Whether you're buying a home, refinancing a mortgage, or assessing property taxes, having a clear understanding of these values is crucial for making informed decisions.
Join us as we delve into the nuances of appraised value, market value, and assessed value, and explore how each contributes to the valuation process.
Understanding Appraised, Market, & Assessed Values
Before diving into the specifics of each value type, it's important to know how they are determined and utilized in real estate transactions.
Let's take a look at the distinct methodologies behind the appraised value, market value, and assessed value, as well as how they impact property valuation.
Appraised Value
Appraised value is determined by a licensed appraiser who evaluates various factors, including the property's condition, location, comparable sales, and market trends. This value is used by lenders to determine the amount of financing they are willing to provide for a property purchase or refinance.
Appraised value plays a crucial role in ensuring that the property's purchase price aligns with its market worth, protecting both buyers and lenders from overpaying or underfinancing.
Market Value
Market value is the price that a willing buyer and seller agree upon in an open and competitive market. It is influenced by factors such as supply and demand, economic conditions, and buyer preferences.
Unlike appraised value, which is determined by a professional appraisal, market value can fluctuate based on market dynamics and individual negotiations between buyers and sellers.
Assessed Value
Assessed value is the value assigned to a property by a local government for taxation purposes. It is typically calculated using a predetermined assessment ratio applied to the property's market value.
The assessed value is used to determine property taxes, with homeowners paying taxes based on the assessed value of their property.

The Role of Appraisers in Determining Property Values
Appraisers play a critical role in the real estate valuation process, providing unbiased assessments of property values.
Take a look at how appraisers contribute to determining appraised value, market value, and assessed value, and the factors they consider when conducting their evaluations.
Appraisers & Appraised Value
Appraisers conduct thorough inspections of properties and analyze various factors, such as the property's condition, location, size, and amenities. They utilize comparable sales data and market analysis to arrive at an accurate appraisal value.
Appraisers adhere to strict professional standards and guidelines set forth by regulatory bodies to ensure the integrity and accuracy of their appraisals.
Appraisers & Market Value
While appraisers provide appraised values, they do not determine market value directly. However, appraisers' assessments can influence market value by offering buyers and sellers valuable insights into a property's worth.
Appraisers' expertise in analyzing market trends and property characteristics contributes to informed decision-making in real estate transactions.
Appraisers & Assessed Value
Appraisers do not directly determine assessed value for taxation purposes. However, their appraisals may serve as a basis for local tax assessors when determining assessed values.
Appraisers' assessments of market value can influence the accuracy of assessed values and ensure fair taxation practices.

How Do Market Trends Influence These Different Values?
Market trends play a significant role in shaping appraised value, market value, and assessed value, reflecting the dynamic nature of the real estate market.
Here’s how shifts in market conditions impact these values and influence property valuation.
Impact On Appraised Value
Fluctuations in market trends, such as changes in supply and demand, interest rates, and economic conditions, can affect appraised values.
During periods of high demand and low inventory, appraised values may increase due to heightened competition among buyers. Conversely, economic downturns or oversupply in the market may lead to lower appraised values as property values decline.
Impact On Market Value
Market trends directly influence market value, representing the price buyers are willing to pay and sellers are willing to accept for a property.
Shifts in buyer preferences, demographics, and economic factors can drive changes in market value over time. Market trends, such as rising home prices or shifts in neighborhood desirability, can lead to increases or decreases in market value for properties in a given area.
Impact On Assessed Value
Market trends indirectly influence assessed value, as local governments use market data to determine property values for taxation purposes. Increases in market values may result in higher assessed values and property taxes for homeowners, while decreases in market values may lead to lower assessments.
Assessors consider market trends when determining assessed values to ensure property taxes remain fair and equitable across different properties.

The Impact of Local Property Taxes On Assessed Value
Property taxes are a significant consideration for homeowners and play a crucial role in assessing property values.
Here’s a breakdown of how local property taxes influence assessed value and the factors that impact property tax assessments.
Calculation of Assessed Value
Assessed value is the basis for calculating property taxes, with homeowners paying taxes based on a percentage of their property's assessed value.
Local governments use assessment ratios, also known as mill rates, to determine the portion of a property's value subject to taxation. Assessors apply these ratios to the assessed value of a property to calculate the annual property tax bill for homeowners.
Impact On Property Taxes
Increases in assessed values may result in higher property tax bills for homeowners, as they are taxed based on the assessed value of their property.
Conversely, decreases in assessed values may lead to lower property tax bills, providing relief for homeowners during periods of declining property values.
Property tax assessments are subject to local regulations and may vary depending on jurisdiction, tax rates, and assessment methodologies.

How Can the Appraised Value Differ From the Selling Price?
It's not uncommon for the appraised value of a property to differ from its selling price, leaving buyers and sellers wondering why there's a variance. Let's explore the factors that can contribute to differences between appraised value and selling price in real estate transactions.
Appraisal Methodology
Appraisers use specific methodologies, such as the sales comparison approach, income approach, or cost approach, to determine appraised values.
Differences in appraisal methodologies, data sources, and analysis techniques can lead to variations in appraised values compared to market prices.
Market Conditions
Fluctuations in market conditions, such as changes in supply and demand, interest rates, or economic factors, can influence selling prices.
Sellers may list properties at prices reflecting current market conditions, which may differ from appraised values based on historical data or different market indicators.
Negotiations & Preferences
Buyer-seller negotiations and individual preferences can also impact selling prices, leading to differences from appraised values.
Buyers may be willing to pay more or less than the appraised value based on factors such as property condition, location, amenities, or personal preferences.
Streamline the Process With Lenders Appraisal Services, Inc.
Understanding the nuances of appraised value, market value, and assessed value is essential for navigating the complexities of real estate transactions. Whether you're buying, selling, or assessing property taxes, having a clear grasp of these values empowers you to make informed decisions.
Ready to make informed decisions in your real estate transactions? Lenders Appraisal Services, Inc. specializes in providing accurate and reliable appraisal services tailored to your unique needs, helping you navigate the complexities of property valuation with confidence and peace of mind.
Contact Lenders Appraisal Services in St. Paul today for accurate and reliable appraisal services tailored to your needs!